Welcome to the PrimeCare Physiotherapy Blog!

Through our blog we educate and offer suggestions on topics that relate to physiotherapy and healthy living.

Best Running Shoes for Achilles Tendonitis

Best Running Shoes for Achilles Tendonitis: A Guide

If you are suffering from Achilles Tendonitis, wearing the correct running shoe can help you manage it by reducing pain,…

rhomboid muscle pain

Rhomboid Pain

If you are feeling pain at the back of your neck between your shoulder blades and your spine, you may be experiencing rhomboid…

Soleus Muscle Pain

Soleus Muscle Pain

Treat your soleus muscle with care; it is a vital piece of your anatomy, whether you are a runner or simply aim to get from one…

Intramuscular Stimulation IMS

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)

If you’ve been experiencing chronic pain or tight muscles, intramuscular stimulation might offer relief.

posterior shin splints

Coping with Posterior Shin Splints

Runners often cope with posterior shin splints, but this issue can happen to anyone who has recently intensified their level of…

pulled butt muscle

Pulled Butt Muscle | Gluteal Pain

A gluteal strain is a tear of a muscle in your buttocks called the gluteal muscle. This type of injury is often called a pulled…